In a recent ECEpolicymatters blog post “Raising Baby”, Susan Ochshorn talks about the ways in which the chorus for babies is growing. She includes in that chorus, the strong voice of our very own Dr. Lally!
Here’s an excerpt from Susan’s blog: “He started working with babies 46 years ago, creating the Program for Infant and Toddler Care, and starting up ZERO TO THREE. But in 2012, he’d had enough, and launched For Our Babies, an initiative that advocates for universal prenatal health coverage; nine months of paid leave; two years of well-baby care; affordable developmental screening and services for children with special needs; and high-quality infant/toddler care. In April, the book, For Our Babies, was born, a call for action to end “the invisible neglect of America’s infants. “I never thought I would have to write a book of this nature—not in the United States,” Lally writes in the preface. Indeed.”
Click here for the full ECEpolicymatters blog post.
Click here to order Ronald J. Lally’s book, For Our Babies: Ending the Invisible Neglect of America’s Infants.
If you haven’t already signed the For Our Babies pledge please do so today and ask your friends and families to as well. Your signatures will help continue to grow a powerful chorus for babies!
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