With a heavy heart we share some very sad news. Ron Lally, Co-Director of WestEd’s Center for Child and Family Studies and creator of the For Our Babies campaign, passed away January 22, 2020. His passing was unexpected and peaceful. The enormity of this devastating loss is overwhelming. We have lost an extraordinary person, a […]
Now in Spanish: Getting it Right for Our Babies Video
We’re thrilled to announce that our Getting it Right for Our Babies video is now available in Spanish! Haciéndolo bien por nuestros bebés Con el costo promedio de cuidado infantil en los Estados Unidos equivalente a una matrícula universitaria y con millones de educadores de la infancia temprana que reciben salarios tan bajos, que a […]
New Video: Getting it Right For Our Babies
New Video “Getting it Right For Our Babies” Describes and Offers Solutions to Repair America’s Broken Child Care System With the average cost of child care in the U.S. equaling college tuition and millions of early childhood educators facing wages so low they often struggle to support their own families, For Our Babies and […]
Early Caregiver-Child Relationships Build the Foundation for Lifelong Learning
Early Caregiver-Child Relationships Build a Foundation for Lifelong Learning, a featured article in this week’s WestEd R & D Alert, highlights a recent federal policy brief, Including Relationship-Based Care Practices in Infant-Toddler Care. The brief provides research-based guidance on how to raise the level of quality for out-of-home early child care. The central message is […]
El vientre social: Cómo fortalecer el cerebro de los bebés
Nos complace anunciarles que “El vientre social: Cómo fortalecer el cerebro de los bebés”, originalmente escrito y narrado por J. Ronald Lally, está ahora disponible en español. Este video de 6 minutos muestra la necesidad que tienen los bebés, una vez que nacen, de que los cuiden dentro un “vientre social” que proporcione la nutrición, […]
Now in Spanish! The Social Womb: Building Babies' Brains
We are thrilled to announce that “The Social Womb: Building Babies’ Brains”, originally written and narrated by J. Ronald Lally, is now available to the public in Spanish. This 6-minute video depicts the need for babies, once born, to be cared for in a “social womb” that provides the nurturance, protection, and enrichment essential to […]