Children Now has launched The Children’s Movement of California and asks that you consider partnering with us.
Joining the Movement signifies a desire to connect to other groups around the state and collectively push California’s policymakers harder to prioritize children’s health and education. As part of the Movement you will be alerted when legislative opportunities for children arise and given the chance to opt-in to support them when they do. You select which campaigns you want to sign-on to. For example, these past few months we have launched campaigns specifically around the proposed cuts to early care and education which if passed will deny thousands of infants and toddlers access to quality center-based care.
Over 200 organizations — from community-based to statewide, from faith-based to parents, and from direct service to advocacy — have joined, and it’s clearer than ever the Movement is what’s needed to tip the scales in children’s favor. By building this Movement behind kids’ issues, we hope to exponentially increase the power behind kids’ policies.
You can join easily online at
We hope that you choose to join the Movement and add your name to our published membership list of organizations- having you on board would be a tremendous boost to all that we are doing and amplifies your work to be a voice for babies.
Thank you!
First of all i would like to say thank you to Children Now for launching such great social service. It will really very helpful for childrens.