In this show Dr. Lally talks about why we should take a closer look at supporting infants if we want our children to succeed in school. Dr. Lally discusses the critical period of early brain development before a child reaches three years of age and why early support for all babies makes more economic sense than later compensatory measures.
Length: 4 min 40 sec
Great content, great interview, totally professional!
Thank you for your support Colt!
I dont know honestly! I have a close falmiy member who is a stay at home mome, and has a 4 yo , a 3 yo and a 1 month old. She handles it with grace and acts like it’s no big deal, then again her toddlers are pretty well behaved, I bet that helps!My husband has been begging me for another baby for 2 months now.. But between my new career and a 22 month old , I just don’t feel ready to handle a newborn in nine months.
This blog should go out across the country through all infant mental health associations! It offers amazing information – clearly – and with passion.
Thanks so much Julie – will be useful with my students!