- In her Homefront blog, Sarah Kickler Kelber takes a lighthearted look at some of the “challenges” she’s going to face as a mom transitioning back to work after maternity leave. [Baltimore Sun]
- For students at Tennessee’s Austin Peay State University, balancing family and school just got a little bit easier. Beginning this fall, the school will offer evening sessions of core courses onsite at their Child Learning Center. While parents are in class, they’ll have the option to leave their children to supervised by the school’s childcare staff. Administrators hope that this program will allow parents greater flexibility in choosing courses and completing their education. [The Leaf Chronicle]
- The Centering Pregnancy model of prenatal care does more than just make sure that women have access to a doctor, it provides them with a support system. In an article for MyCentralJersey.com, Michelle H. Daino explores how connecting women who are at a similar point in pregnancy can help to answer questions and assuage concerns. In addition to the standard medical care, the Centering model allows for group discussion sessions where women can discuss the emotional impacts of pregnancy and impending motherhood, as well as the physical. According to coordinator Denise Cairns, “Centering Pregnancy is not so much a class… The women raise issues that are important to them and we serve to guide them and provide them with the correct information.” [MyCentralJersey.com]