For every mother come challenges in ensuring a child’s health, safety and happiness. While some mothers have the time and resources to that allow them to provide for their children far beyond the basics, for many of the world’s mothers, the single greatest challenge they face is making sure they and their children receive adequate […]
News Roundup: May 10
In her Homefront blog, Sarah Kickler Kelber takes a lighthearted look at some of the “challenges” she’s going to face as a mom transitioning back to work after maternity leave. [Baltimore Sun] For students at Tennessee’s Austin Peay State University, balancing family and school just got a little bit easier. Beginning this fall, the school […]
In the News: Research, Medicine, and Community Support for Our Babies
Giving babies the best chance for healthy, happy, and productive lives requires a lot of hard work and attention, not all of it from parents. So, who is working for our babies? Doctors Good health care can make all the difference for mother and baby, and it’s important to start as soon as possible. While […]
News Roundup: April 17
Prenatal Care Highlighting the importance of quality prenatal care, the Taylor County (Texas) Child Fatality Review Team found that the majority of reported child deaths within the county in 2010-2011 were related to preterm birth and preventable or treatable diseases and disorders. Dr. Nicole Bullock points out that many women in the area, especially those […]
Lack of Pre-Pregnancy Care Harms Our Babies
A major influence on pregnancy outcomes is women’s health and health care during the year leading up to pregnancy (called the preconception period). Consider this: If a woman is in poor health before pregnancy, there is an increased risk of: Premature birth A low birth weight baby Major birth defects Pregnancy complications Death of the mother […]