Guest Blog By Deborah J. Weatherston, PhD A recent recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that parents read aloud regularly to their babies beginning in infancy is really big news for babies and the infant mental health community. Literacy promotion by pediatricians during every well baby visit encourages parents to listen and very […]
It’s Time to Mobile-ize for Babies: Take the Poll & Spread the Word
ZERO TO THREE recently launched the Mobile-ize for Babies Poll, a 3 question poll to gather information on how infant and toddler experts suggest we support young children at the local, state and federal levels. What can best help families of young children? How do people want our elected officials to think about budgets and […]
Guest Blog: Chris Carducci
Advocacy: Taking Action Beyond Concern “Babies are the future of this country and they should be cared for even in the mothers womb. The care for the mother as well as she plays a very vital role in the development of the child. I believe every child deserves the best care. . . . It […]
Guest Blog: Sara Gershfeld
Follow Up Care for your Special Needs Child: 5 Organizations to Keep in Mind Quality matters. Whether your child was just diagnosed with a disability, or you′re a seasoned parent of a child with special needs there are a number of organizations that have your back from the first day of your diagnosis up until […]
Guest Blog: Broader Bolder Approach to Education
Julian Castro’s Risky Proposition: Solidly Backed by Evidence As students in Washington, DC and across the country head back to school, the education spotlight is on the Republican and Democratic national conventions. Leaders of both political parties promote policies that they contend will boost academic achievement and narrow stubborn black-white and rich-poor achievement gaps. The […]
Guest Blog: Mills College
Building Partnerships for Effective Advocacy: Connections with The Mills College School of Education An important step in building a national movement to promote the importance of the children’s first three years, is to strengthen the professional workforce responsible for working with infants, toddlers and their families during these pivotal years. The Mills College School of Education is […]