A powerful message about why we need paid parental leave in the U.S.
Finding and Keeping Quality Infant-Toddler Care
An example of finding and keeping quality infant/toddler care.
El vientre social: Cómo fortalecer el cerebro de los bebés
El vientre social: Cómo fortalecer el cerebro de los bebés”, originalmente escrito y narrado por J. Ronald Lally, está ahora disponible en español. Este video de 6 minutos muestra la necesidad que tienen los bebés, una vez que nacen, de que los cuiden dentro un “vientre social” que proporcione la nutrición, la protección y el […]
Celebrating the original For Our Babies campaign launch in 2012
Celebration of the For Our Babies campaign launch in San Francisco on February 29, 2012. Families, advocates, and supporters gather at first public event of the movement.
Making decisions on maternity leave and associated mother/child outcomes, Dr. Guendelman (2009)
Research paper exploring decisions on maternity leave and associated mother/child outcomes.
Work–Family Balance After Childbirth: The Association Between Employer-Offered Leave Characteristics and Maternity Leave Duration, Dr. Guendelman (2013)
Research paper on the association between employer-offered leave characteristics and maternity leave duration.