Julie Weatherston and George Philipp, Early Care Advocate and father, discuss the challenges of getting legislators to support early care and education in the US and the potential benefits to providing more supportive policies for families with infants and toddlers. [podcast]https://forourbabies.org/ccfs/audio/podcast/fob_ep12.mp3[/podcast] Length: 5 min 25 sec Download
Public Health Crisis: Too Many Michigan Infants are Dying
In 2010, Michigan’s infant mortality rate was 7.1. infant deaths per 1,000 live births compared to the national average of 6.1 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. In an effort to address the state’s troubling infant mortality rate, Michigan’s Department of Community Health (MDCH) released an infant mortality reduction plan on Wednesday calling for expansion […]
Committee on Economic Development Reports Investment in Child Care and Early Education is Critical to Business and America's Future
On June 26, 2012, the Committee on Economic Development (CED), a non-partisan business-led public policy organization, released a report “Unfinished Business: Continued Investment in Child Care and Early Education is Critical to Business and America’s Future”. The report outlines the business case for investing in young children, calls for a national strategy to […]
Guest Blog: Mills College
Building Partnerships for Effective Advocacy: Connections with The Mills College School of Education An important step in building a national movement to promote the importance of the children’s first three years, is to strengthen the professional workforce responsible for working with infants, toddlers and their families during these pivotal years. The Mills College School of Education is […]
If You're Concerned
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program is designed to help with early identification of developmental disabilities so children and families get the services and support they need as early as possible. The website has a wealth of information for parents on talking to a child’s doctor, a […]
Podcast: A Dad's Perspective
As more fathers become involved as primary caregivers in their children’s early years, it’s important that we examine the assumptions we hold about the role of fathers in a child’s day-to-day care. In this week’s podcast, we listen in as two dads discuss what they’ve experienced as fathers, specifically some of the challenges they face […]